Mar 30, 2012

Border distribution

My families produce business in Nogales
by: elisa

Mar 29, 2012

sigor ros - valtari

Mar 28, 2012

Mar 25, 2012

Only one of the possible redemptions

This is to remind me to always peek in on Sheilah's blog. I miss you Sheilah.

Mar 24, 2012

At Ricardo's house off of Zapatos de Oro

prismsscreendoor Thom made for RicardoThom smelling the cornbreadorchids, bells, birds and pinonwearing my grandfather's medicine bird pinblue tara reflected in mirrow
spirit house on pedestalwell pump in kitchen

off of Zapatos de Oro, a set on Flickr(elisa)

Mar 22, 2012


Mar 13, 2012

a few days during March

a few days in March'12
Family ranch (elisa)

Maia Helles, a Russian ballet dancer turns 95

Shot in Fire Island, New York, this film (4min. 23 sec) captures the secrets of eternal youth as Maia Helles, a Russian ballet dancer turns 95 but still remains resolutely independent, healthy and as fit as a forty year old. Made by Julia Warr, artist and film maker met Maia on a plane 4 years ago and became utterly convinced by the benefits of her daily exercise routine, which Maia perfected, together with her Mother, over 60 years ago, long before exercise classes were ever invented. (2011)

Film by Julia Warr
Music by Lola Perrin

Mar 6, 2012